The ExperTease's Top Moments: #6 - Calm Down & Immigrants Welcome Campaign

The LxVE Collective ExperTease LxVE

When things appear to be at their worst is when slowing down to get perspective is most important. That is the underlying message in the Calm Down video.

In this powerful collaboration between Alfred Nomad & The K.O.O.L Life, the two use clips from real news stories to illustrate the injustices still taking place in America. The images depicted in this story share a resemblance to the violence and prejudices that took place during the Civil Rights Movement lead by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

To bring light to the situation, AxJ and friends can be seen wearing shirts from the Immigrants Welcome Collection as they encourage us all to "Calm Down."

The story behind our Immigrants welcome campaign stems from the "border crisis" and media campaign executed by then-presidential nominee Donald Trump. The nature of his message went against the very fabric of what made the US the country we know today. As a result, we made an effort to remind people that at the end of the day, we are all immigrants in America. (Expect to the indigenous people... shout out to you for sharing your land).

All of this culminated in a border crisis that resulted in children being separated from their parents and held in detention camps. The visuals from these stories were devasting and easily one of the saddest moments I've ever experienced. It also inspired me to publish my first piece of fictional work. Spoiler alert... you'll be hearing about it later in this list. Until then, enjoy the Calm Down video and support the cause by purchasing a piece from the Immigrants Welcome Collection.

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