The ExperTease's Top Moments: #8 - Black Coffee Is Neat Too

The LxVE Collective

Div & Abib are probably looking at me like, FINALLY TEASE!!!!! Lol.
Calm down... I needed some time to get my ish together, fellas. Sheesh!
Anyway, this interview with multi-talented music artist and coffee aficionado, Typical Div, was my first experience creating a documentary as I enter the world of my talented friends.
As you'll soon see (hint, hint) I'm still doing the same thing, just in a different format. Still, a web series would be a dope idea. Who wants to help me produce it???
What I like most about this project is the cinematography. Abib made a point to capture the warm colors of our settings and contrast it with the blue walls in my apartment as we practiced Yoga.
It also helps that Div is just too cool so our conversation takes turns from hip-hop to politics to coffee and back.
Brace yourself... You haven't seen the last of these.

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