Money & Marketing Bootcamp Confirmation
Thank you for signing up for my Money & Marketing Bootcamp. Here's a backup link just in case you didn't get your instant download: [link].
You should have received a welcome email with instructions about
I've been helping artists and small businesses manage their social media platforms since 2010. I've been at it for a while. (plug credentials)
If you have questions about your social media strategy, your pages, creating content, or anything else, I am here for you!
I've actually created a space called the Expert's Lounge where I personally work with a group of individuals on a weekly basis and I've got 10 slots available.
I'm keeping this intimate to make sure I can give you 100% of my attention and help you get results.
Every Thursday starting at 7:00 pm I'll hop on a video call where I'll answer your questions live for the group so we can all learn from each other's experiences. We're like a small family of folks dedicated to getting results in their businesses.
Use this link to get more information and to sign up for the program: